Justin Bieber reveals how Diddy treated him in the end!

In a recent interview on his YouTube channel, Justin Bieber shared about how Diddy, one of the important figures in the music industry, treated him. During the conversation, Bieber described Diddy as a person with heart and full of respect, especially for those new to the industry.

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According to Bieber, Diddy showed interest and willingness to help him when he first started his career. He said that Diddy opened doors for him and gave him the opportunity to showcase his talent in the music industry.

“For me, Diddy has always been someone I admired and respected,” Bieber shared. “He put his trust in me and helped me when I needed it.”

Bieber also emphasized the importance of having predecessors stand up and support newcomers to the music industry. According to him, Diddy was an important stepping stone in his career and he will forever be grateful for that.


“Having someone like Diddy here to help and support those of us who are just starting out is so important,” Bieber said. “I’m very lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from him and I hope to be able to pass that on to the next generation of artists.”

With these words, Justin Bieber not only made fans understand more about his relationship with Diddy but also showed gratitude and respect for his predecessors who helped him in his career. mine.