Black Widow’s popularity got a major boost ever since Natasha Romanoff was first introduced in Iron Man 2 back in 2010. Excitingly, the beautiful, intelligent…


Scarlett Johansson Sad To Leave Black Widow


Black Widow’s popularity got a major boost ever since Natasha Romanoff was first introduced in Iron Man 2 back in 2010. Let’s take a look into Black Widow’s top 10 best MCU moments that we have seen so far.

10. The Avengers: Natasha Breaks Character

One of my top 10 favorite Black Widow moments for sure was at the beginning of The Avengers (2012), Playing the perfect damsel, the Black Widow is busy interrogating while being interrogated when Agent Phil Coulson interrupts the scene needing to get ahold of her. “I’m in the middle of an investigation, and this idiot is giving me everything,” she tells Agent Coulson, but after hearing what has happened to Clint, she quickly removes herself from the situation she is in. “Let me put you on hold,” she says.

Her acrobatic fighting skills are wildly impressive as she takes them on one after the other. While still trapped in the chair she has been bound to, she proceeds to take them all on before finally doing a flying backflip and breaking the chair. Meanwhile, Phil patiently waits on the phone for her to finish, listening to it all without any sense of surprise. In the end, she struts out without a care.

9. Captain America: The Winter Soldier: Engine Room Beat Down

When Scarlett Johansson took on the role of Black Widow, she gave the character more appeal to Marvel fans than ever before. Her witty remarks make some of the best moments throughout the MCU movies. In Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Natasha pulls up in a black Corvette to pick up Steve. “Hey, fellas,” she said. “Either one of you knows where the Smithsonian is? I’m here to pick up a fossil.” They then take off on a mission together where the Black Widow is back at it again.

The top Black Widow moment happens when she is kicking some major butt as always. In the next scene, aboard a ship, it’s her job to secure the engine room. She descends down through the bowels of the ship, shooting each enemy she finds. Her fighting skills are so fun to watch as she takes them all out. “Engine room secure,” she says cooly and calmly after hitting one last guy upside the head with a pipe. Resourceful as ever.

8. The Avengers: Hawkeye Vs Black Widow


In another great Black Widow scene from The Avengers, Black Widow is put up against her best friend Hawkeye. Clint, after being brainwashed by Loki, has his eyes glazed over and is fighting her senselessly.

She obviously doesn’t want to kill him. As they fight, she ends up biting him to throw him off before bashing his head into the metal railing. This finally jolts him out of his reverie and the trance he was in. Still flushed with adrenaline from their fight, she gives him one extra good punch to the head to knock him unconscious.

7. Avengers: Endgame: The Emotional Side of Romanoff


You rarely see the emotional side of the Black Widow. Always under control of her emotions, she remains calm, cool, and collected. However, in Avengers: Endgame, after she finishes talking to a group of the leftover Avengers, she breaks down with her grief. She’s left to handle whatever she can five years after the infinity stones wiped half the planets population. Sitting with Steve she tells him, “I used to have nothing, but then I got this – this job, this family, and I was better because of it. I’m still trying to be better.” It’s a great scene showing raw emotion and some great acting on Johannson’s part.

6. Hallway Fight in Iron Man 2


In Iron Man 2, we get to see the Black Widow’s true skills for the first time. Using her body weight to flip her opponents around like ragdolls, she completely destroys every man that comes her way. Showing off all her best moves, we get to see Natasha Romanoff for the badass she really is. We also get to see some more of her funny side when she pepper sprays the very last one in the face. What makes the scene even better is when Happy cries, “I got him!” after finally beating the guy at the entrance of the building only to look up and see the extent of Romanoff’s work.

5. The Avengers: Fearless Flight


During the fight to protect New York from the alien invasion that Loki has brought to earth, Romanoff is fighting among the other Avengers. She knows she has to get to the machine that is creating the portal. Fighting alongside Captain America, they know what needs to be done. She needs to make her way up to the rooftop. He asks how she hopes to get there. “I got a ride. I could use a boost though,” she tells him. “Are you sure about this?” he asks her, already backing up and getting ready. He knows exactly what she’s planning to do. “Yeah… ” she shrugs. “It’s gonna be fun,” Using his shield to catapult herself, she jumps into the air just in time to catch a ride on the back of an alien aircraft that is speeding through the air.

Fearlessly jumping on the back of an alien and its spacecraft, the Black Widow flies through the sky as each one of the other Avengers does their best to fight off the alien army. She is able to jump from its back and land stealthily atop the building with the machine being used to open the portal. She is the one to close the portal with Loki’s scepter in the end. Fearless, capable, and unstoppable, this is one of my favorite Black Widow scenes.

4. Captain America: Civil War: Marketplace Fight Scene

A top ten Black Widow moment is when the Avengers are in Lagos trying to stop the bad guys once again in Captain America: Civil War. A biological weapon with the power to create a massive explosion is being wared over. Going through the marketplace downtown, Romanoff tracks down two of the men working for Brock Rumlow. Resourceful as ever she uses her body weight and whatever else she can find to whoop their butts. The Falcon uses his red wing to shoot the man holding the vial, and thanks to Black Widow’s skills she catches it just in time. Using one of her amazing flips, she lands on her feet and popping up like a badass. Sometimes it’s hard to believe that the Black Widow doesn’t actually have superhero powers.

3. We Meet Black Widow For the First Time: Iron Man 2

One of Black Widow’s first moments is one of her best. We first meet the character of Black Widow when she is introduced in Iron Man 2 as an undercover spy working for S.H.I.E.L.D. Posing as Pepper Pott’s new assistant, Romanoff comes into the room as Stark and Happy are working out together in the boxing ring. Immediately catching Tony’s attention, he calls her over and tells Happy to show her the ropes. As she crosses into the ring, she looks up at him, the looks she gives him are priceless. She knows she’s sexy, and she owns it.

Natasha kicks poor Happy’s butt in seconds flipping him and overlaying him out in one smooth move. “I want one,” Tony tells Pepper. “No.” she quickly replies.

2. Tricking Loki: The Avengers


One of my absolute favorite Black Widow moments is in The Avengers movie when she and Loki have a little chat together. “There’s not many people who can sneak up on me,” Loki tells her when she comes into the room. The Black Widow shows her true acting and manipulation skills in The Avengers when she is able to trick the biggest trickster there is. Loki thinks he getting to her, and she lets him think it. Her skills in manipulating and interrogating people payoff by getting the information she needs from him. “You brought the monster,” he says and she immediately knows that his goal is to trigger the Hulk.

“Thank you for your cooperation,” she tells him before scampering off to return to the others. It doesn’t help in the end though, of course, the Hulk still is unleashed and Loki escapes. This scene is one of the best simply for showing the extent of the Black Widows’ capabilities.

1. Dying as a True Hero: Avengers: Endgame

The final top scene on my list is the Black Widow’s very last. In the middle of Avengers: Endgame, Romanoff knows that she has to sacrifice herself for the stone. She and Clint stand at the precipice arguing over who will be the one to sacrifice themselves. “Don’t you get all decent on me now,” Barton tells her.

Barton thinks he’s going to be the one to jump, but determined as ever Natasha grabs him at the last minute, spiraling down across the edge. “It’s okay,” she tells him before kicked the wall’s edge and pulling herself from his grip. She falls to her death and sacrifices herself in hopes of saving his family and all the others lost during the Infinity Wars. We love Black Widow even more for her courage and love for her Avenger’s family. It was a heartbreaking scene and absolutely powerful enough to be a part of our top 10 scenes.