Eminem's sexism: Whether literal or tongue-in-cheek, it may not fly

Much Ado About Nothing?

Eminem fans were left hanging after Hits Daily Double, an industry publication known for teasing tidbits, published an article titled “BEST IN THE WEST: STEVE BERMAN. High time for another Eminem skit.” The headline, a nod to Berman’s past appearances as an angry executive in Eminem skits, ignited hope for a new collaboration.

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The Bait and The Switch

The article itself offered nothing concrete. Instead, it delved into Steve Berman’s career trajectory at Interscope Capitol Labels Group, highlighting his industry connections and involvement in projects by Olivia Rodriguez, Billie Eilish, and the Super Bowl halftime show.

Eminem - Comeback (2022) - YouTube

Intentional Misdirection?

The headline appears strategically crafted to lure in click-hungry Eminem fans. By using keywords like “Eminem” and “high time,” Hits Daily Double effectively exploited the recent buzz surrounding a potential Eminem album teased by Dr. Dre.

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A Playful Prank or Subtly Sly?

While the lack of actual Eminem news might frustrate fans, it’s likely just industry banter. However, a sliver of hope remains. Considering Berman’s ties to Eminem’s record label, there’s a chance Hits Daily Double might be subtly hinting at a future project involving both figures, keeping details under wraps for now.

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False Alarm, But Keep Your Ears Peeled

Eminem fans yearning for concrete news may be disappointed, but this seems to be a case of clickbait marketing. However, with Berman’s close association with Eminem’s label, it’s wise to stay tuned for future developments.

Eminem ignores criticism at Firefly. (It's kind of what he does.)