With a record-breaking opening weekend and stellar reviews, Wonder Woman is certainly having a moment. And while some men nationwide are having temper tantrums about women-only screenings of the female-led film, other men are totally aware of how fantastic the film, and its leading lady, really are.

So, who’s the newest dude to hop on the Wonder Woman train? None other than the one who plays Marvel Comics’ Thor, Chris Hemsworth.

Wonder Woman’s lead actress Gal Gadot paid a visit to Katie Couric, and used the opportunity to call out Hemsworth and ask him if he thinks her Wonder Woman would win a fight against his Thor. (Check it out in the video below.)

Hemsworth responded accordingly on Twitter, saying that he thinks Wonder Woman would, in fact, “kick Thor’s a**.”

And the conversation didn’t stop there. Couric agreed and Gadot followed up, saying she “always knew” Hemsworth was a “smart guy,” and suggesting that their two worlds ought to collide.

We’ll be waiting with the popcorn.