The hair, skin, hands, and even the mysterious smiles of these “beautiful” mummies always make posterity curious to learn about.

Queen Anhapu’s cheekbones. Queen Anhapu’s mummy is more than 1,000 years old but is still quite intact. In 1881, archaeologists found her mummy at the ancient Egyptian royal tomb in Deir al-Bahri. At that time, the mummy of Queen Anhapu wore a wreath of flowers around her neck, elaborately braided hair, long eyelashes, white teeth, and outstanding cheekbones, proving that she possessed the beauty of “a bird falling like a diving fish.” ” makes many people wish.

Hands of Egyptian Queen Hatshepsut. This 3,500 year old mummy was buried in the Valley of the Egyptian Kings. According to scientists’ analysis, she has diabetes, arthritis and is likely to die of bone cancer. According to analysis by experts, Queen Hatshepsut had an unattractive appearance when she was obese and had bad teeth. However, her mummy was carefully wrapped and her fingernails were painted red and the outer edges were painted black. 

Tattoo on the shoulder of the “Altai princess”. The mummy of a 2,500-year-old woman, also known as the Ice Maiden, was discovered in Siberia in 1993. The cold Russian steppes preserved the princess’s skin and bones intact. On her shoulder there is a rather long tattoo. Currently, scientists still do not understand the meaning of the above tattoo. It is a drawing of a two-headed deer with a vulture’s beak, a sheep’s leg, and a long-tailed leopard biting its back. In addition, this mummy wore a hat and was buried with many valuable burial items, proving that she was a person of high status in society.

The skin of Mrs. Dai (Xin Zhui). In 1971, workers in China discovered a tomb dating back to the Han Dynasty. Including the mummy of a noble woman who died about 2,000 years ago. This mummy was wrapped in 20 layers of silk fabric, covered with the “elixir of immortality”, buried 50 meters deep underground… Therefore, Ms. Dai’s body was so well preserved that her skin was still soft, Limbs can still move, hair and internal organs are still intact. In particular, the last meal in her stomach was still intact and the blood in her veins was red. Currently, this beautiful mummy is preserved and displayed at the Hunan Provincial Museum, China.

Lady Rai’s breasts. This mummy is about 3,600 years old with its hair, teeth, skin and jewelry still intact. According to research results of scientists, when she was alive, Lady Rai worried a lot about her appearance, so she spent a lot of time taking care of her appearance, especially her “flat screen” chest. Therefore, she cleverly used jewelry to hide her flaws. 

Fingerprints of the 2,700-year-old Borremose mummy. In 1947, a team of peat miners in Denmark discovered a mummy carefully wrapped in a wool blanket. One of the special things about this mummy is that the fingers still retain fingerprints. Scientists do not know the exact cause of this mummy’s death and they used the place name Borremose – the burial place – to name this mummy.

Neck of priestess Nesitanebetashrua A. This Egyptian mummy lived from the 21st dynasty and is about 3,000 years old. This is considered one of the most intact mummies ever discovered by humans. Her eyes and neck were carefully wrapped in linen. Thanks to that, nun Nesitanebetashrua A still maintains her majestic appearance to this day.

The perfect beauty of Xiaohe mummy. This mummy was unearthed after 3,800 years of “sleeping” underground in the Xinjiang autonomous region, China. This is also one of the most mysterious mummies of all time and is displayed in an exhibition called: “The Secrets of the Silk Road”. Xiaohe’s body was almost intact with beautiful hair, smooth skin and a long, straight nose.

Queen Tiye’s hair. This mummy is also nicknamed “Elder lady”, dating back to about 3 millennia ago. Despite such a long lifespan, this mummy still retains her naturally curly hair almost like when she was alive. 

Thuya’s mysterious smile. This mummy was discovered in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings and is dated to be 3,800 years old. Thuya’s mummy has been well preserved along with the tombs of other members of ancient Egyptian royalty. This is one of the most amazing discoveries in the Valley of the Egyptian Kings and the most attractive thing about this mummy is Thuya’s mysterious smile.