In 2015, Stephen Curry ascended to superstardom, achieving global famerous. In peak form, he played a significant role in leading the Golden State Warriors to their first NBA championship victory since 1975.

Riley Curry, the young daughter of Stephen Curry, joined the Golden State Warriors players during the championship parade. Stephen Curry proudly carried Riley in his arms as he addressed the crowd from the podium in the square throughout the event.


Stephen Curry recently admitted to feeling remorse for inadvertently thrusting his young daughter into the spotlight. The 30-year-old guard revealed to The Undefeated that he regrets showcasing Riley Curry at such a tender age.

“One thing I regret is having Riley join me on the podium to celebrate the championship that year. I’ve always wanted to share my successes and experiences with my family, but I didn’t anticipate the level of attention it would attract,” expressed Stephen Curry.

Stephen Curry also mentioned that if he could go back in time, he would handle things differently. “My aim is simply to provide my children with the best opportunities to thrive and perceive the world in the right way. I want to give them the chance to lead a normal life, to be treated with respect and without undue hardships,” he stated.

Stephen Curry appears to be concerned that Riley Curry might develop a sense of entitlement in the future. Growing up in a renowned family has afforded Riley Curry a privileged life, including occasional appearances on television shows. Perhaps what Riley Curry needs most is simplicity in life. Press conferences or celebrity events are not suitable environments for children.