The Goddess and The Rebel: Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie’s Unexpected Parallels

At first glance, Gal Gadot and Margot Robbie seem to inhabit completely different cinematic worlds. Gadot rocketed to A-list fame as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, the righteous Amazonian goddess in the DC Extended Universe. Meanwhile, Robbie makes waves as Harley Quinn, the gleefully unhinged anti-heroine in various DC properties.

But when you look closer at their backgrounds and career trajectories, the two actresses share many similarities that reveal their kindred spirit. Here are five key common threads that weave Gadot and Robbie’s lives together in unexpected ways:

Military Lineage Grounds Their Strength

Both hail from families with military backgrounds. Gadot served for two years as a combat trainer in the Israel Defense Forces, following her older siblings who enlisted as well. Her time in the IDF no doubt prepared her for the intense physical demands of the Wonder Woman role.

Likewise, Robbie grew up listening to her grandfather’s tales from his time in the Australian Army. In interviews, she’s cited his military service as a source of inspiration for the discipline and determination evident throughout her eclectic career. This lineage seems to ground both actresses with the inner fortitude to succeed in such a tough industry.

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