Curry fans know that the Warriors sharpshooter actually has an eye condition called Keratoconus

Since Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry is the greatest shooter of all time, we could assume that he logged in countless hours in the gym trying to perfect his craft. We have all heard of the cliche that talent gets you there, but it’s hard work that keeps you going.

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We can also assume that Curry has perfect 20/20 vision. Since how can you shoot at an elite 43.0 percent from deep if you can’t see clearly? Well, if you’re Stephen Curry, then you absolutely can. In an interview with GQ, Curry shared that he has poor vision but sees a particular color distinctly.

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“The reason I found out I couldn’t see very well is because our GM saw me squinting at the scoreboard and asked me, ‘Can you actually see?’

And I was like, ‘No, I just see the color orange really well — and usually from about 25 feet.'”

Curry fans know that the Warriors sharpshooter actually has an eye condition called Keratoconus. According to John Hopkins Medicine, it is a “disease that affects the structure of the cornea, resulting in loss of vision. Keratoconus occurs in approximately one in 2,000 individuals, typically beginning in puberty and progressing into the mid-30s.”

The effects of the disease on Curry’s play reached its peak in 2019 when he shot 37 percent from deep — which is pretty good by NBA standards but extremely low by Curry’s.

To get out of his slump and to be able to see correctly for the first time, Curry finally put on some contact lenses. And the results were immediate. After wearing contacts, Curry shot a ridiculous 48.7 percent from deep in the first nine games.

It’s interesting that Curry only started wearing contacts in 2019. After all, in 2016, Curry knocked down a league record 402 3-pointers in a single season — a record that may never be broken. It’s quite puzzling to think that Curry knocked down all those 3-pointers with poor eyes. Maybe his real nickname should be Stephen Blurry then?